The Best Pet Food Storage

Pet food is something that is usually purchased in bulk. After the bag has been opened and a portion has been served, what is one to do with the unused product? There are several factors to consider. While it may seem like a no-brainer, a pet-owner needs to consider their dry pet food storage options. Possibly the most important factor is that insects, rodents or even your dog could get back into the unsecured bag of food when you aren't looking. There are lots of different solutions to this potential problem. Excess dog food can be stored in a dog feeder, a wall-mounted dispenser or in some storage bins. Pet food storage is something that all dog and cat owners have to consider. Even if you aren't worried about other critters getting onto the food, it will still eventually go stale unless it is kept in something air-tight. The food needs to be securely stowed somewhere dry that is out of the sunlight. One solution for this is to load all of the food into a dog feeder. That w...